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👍  Roasted "Suckling Pig" 黄金乳猪

👍 Roasted "Suckling Pig" 黄金乳猪

Golden delectable and fragrant slices of roast crisps

Yam Ring 佛躰飘香  Kung Po Hericium 宫保猴头菇

Yam Ring 佛躰飘香 Kung Po Hericium 宫保猴头菇

A treasure trove of mushrooms and vegetables in our signature gongbao sauce or sweet & sour sauce served in crispy yam ring

👍  Black Sauce Soon Hock Fish 油浸顺壳鱼

👍 Black Sauce Soon Hock Fish 油浸顺壳鱼

Yam Ring 佛躰飘香 Sweet & Sour Chicken Cube 酸甜鸡丁

Yam Ring 佛躰飘香 Sweet & Sour Chicken Cube 酸甜鸡丁

Yam Ring 佛躰飘香 Buddha's Delight 罗汉斋

Yam Ring 佛躰飘香 Buddha's Delight 罗汉斋

Broccoli with Abalone 红烧鲍片西兰花

Broccoli with Abalone 红烧鲍片西兰花

Broccoli topped with sliced chewy abalone in gravy/ Spinach topped with sliced chewy abalone in gravy

Spinach with Abalone  红烧鲍片菠菜

Spinach with Abalone 红烧鲍片菠菜

A treasure trove of mushrooms and vegetables in our signature gongbao sauce or sweet & sour sauce served in crispy yam ring

Monkey Head Mushroom with XO Sause XO猴头菇

Monkey Head Mushroom with XO Sause XO猴头菇

👍 Claypot Bak Kut Tea 砂锅肉骨茶

👍 Claypot Bak Kut Tea 砂锅肉骨茶

👍Fried Carrot Cake with Petai 臭豆萝卜糕🌶️

👍Fried Carrot Cake with Petai 臭豆萝卜糕🌶️

Savoury Lotus Root 干香莲藕

Savoury Lotus Root 干香莲藕

Signature Assam Fish 招牌阿参鱼

Signature Assam Fish 招牌阿参鱼

Homemade Marmite Pork Rids 自制妈密排骨

Homemade Marmite Pork Rids 自制妈密排骨

Spicy Popcorn Chicken 辣子鸡

Spicy Popcorn Chicken 辣子鸡

Scallops w Asparagus 芦笋炒带子

Scallops w Asparagus 芦笋炒带子

Savoury Spicy Fish 干香辣鱼

Savoury Spicy Fish 干香辣鱼

Thai Style Green Curry 泰式青咖喱

Thai Style Green Curry 泰式青咖喱

👍 Roasted "Suckling Pig" 黄金乳猪

Yam Ring 佛躰飘香 Kung Po Hericium 宫保猴头菇

👍 Black Sauce Soon Hock Fish 油浸顺壳鱼

Yam Ring 佛躰飘香 Sweet & Sour Chicken Cube 酸甜鸡丁

Yam Ring 佛躰飘香 Buddha's Delight 罗汉斋

Broccoli with Abalone 红烧鲍片西兰花

Spinach with Abalone 红烧鲍片菠菜

Monkey Head Mushroom with XO Sause XO猴头菇

👍 Claypot Bak Kut Tea 砂锅肉骨茶

👍Fried Carrot Cake with Petai 臭豆萝卜糕🌶️

Savoury Lotus Root 干香莲藕

Signature Assam Fish 招牌阿参鱼

Homemade Marmite Pork Rids 自制妈密排骨

Spicy Popcorn Chicken 辣子鸡

Scallops w Asparagus 芦笋炒带子

Savoury Spicy Fish 干香辣鱼

Thai Style Green Curry 泰式青咖喱